Cycle Time Screen

Use this screen to view the repair order cycle time information. Figures displayed in italics are forecasted using the schedule Vehicle Out delivery date.

Description of fields in the Cycle Time pane

Field Label Description
Repairs Started The date the repairs were started and is selected in the Repair Plan tab. Enter this date in the Repair Plan tab.
Repairs Completed This is the date the repairs were completed. The value in this field is the number of days that includes the Repairs Started date and the Repairs Completed date. Enter this date in the Repair Plan tab.
Vehicle Out This is the date the customer picked up the vehicle. Enter this date in the Repair Plan tab.
Target Date This is the Vehicle Out date. This date can also represent the estimated delivery date.
Days in Shop This is the number of days measured by the Vehicle In date and the Vehicle Out date.
Estimate Hours This value is the total labor hours on the estimate.
Actual Hours This value is the number of hours assigned / paid to the technicians.
Efficiency This percentage value is calculated using the Estimate Hours and the Actual Hours.
Labor per Day This is calculated from the value of the Repairs Started and Vehicle Out dates, sand then the Actual Hours divided by the total number of days in the shop.
Dollars per Day This value is calculated using the weighted hourly rate multiplied by the Labor per Day hours.
GP per Labor Hour This is the actual dollar amount of profit based upon the actual hours assigned / paid.
RO Hours Per Day This value is calculated by dividing the total hours on the repair order, and by the number of days in the vehicle is in the shop.

See Also

Viewing Workfile Cycle Time and Efficiency Information







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